Tindakan kelompok hacker yang mengaku bernama LulzSec sudah membuat kewalahan sejumlah institusi besar. LulzSec telah menyerang situs web Sony, Nintendo, FBI, Senat AS, serta sejumlah situs game dan situs porno.
Tidak cukup sampai di sini. Kelompok hacker tersebut bahkan menawarkan diri menyerang situs web mana yang Anda inginkan. Entah dengan maksud serius atau hanya main-main, LulzSec dalam akun Twitter-nya memberikan nomor hotline yang akan menerima pesan tersebut di nomor 614-LULZSEC, Rabu (15/6/2011) pagi tadi.
Beberapa jam kemudian, kelompok tersebut mengaku mendapat lebih dari 5.000 missed call dan lebih dari 2.500 voicemail. Namun, sampai saat ini belum ada laporan di mana nomor telepon tersebut berasal dan apakah akan tetap bertahan. Menurut catatan yang dilansir PC World, nomor 614 merupakan kode telepon untuk Colombus, Ohio.
Buddy Tanjaya's
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
BlackBerry Murah di ICS

Program itu adalah pemberian diskon untuk pembelian smartphone jenis BlackBerry bagi pengguna kartu kredit HSBC, Permata, dan CIMB Niaga.
Produk yang ditawarkan di antaranya adalah BlackBerry Gemini 8520 yang dilepas di harga Rp1,3 juta, BlackBerry Curve seharga Rp1,999 juta, BlackBerry Onyx 2 seharga Rp3.399 juta, dan Torch 9800 seharga Rp4,299.
Dalam waktu 1,5 jam, dari pukul 10.00 WIB sampai dengan 11.30WIB stok produk-produk berharga miring yang dipamerkan di booth itu habis dilahap para pembeli.
“Untuk harga promo sudah habis, besok pagi datang lagi saja ya. Karena, untuk yang antre ini, mereka tinggal mengambil barangnya saja,” ujar Achi, salah satu staf penjualan Indosat kepada pengunjung.
Sebagai perbandingan, harga normal untuk Gemini 8520 adalah Rp1,899 juta. Curve 9300 Rp2,599 juta, Pearl 9105 Rp2,499 juta, Onyx 2 9780 Rp3,999 juta, dan Torch 9800 Rp4,899 juta. Faktor murah di sini menjadi alasan kenapa pengunjung antusias membeli produk BlackBerry di booth Indosat dari pada yang lainnya.
“Saya antre dari setengah sepuluh tadi untuk membeli Gemini Rp1,3 juta,” ujar Handi, salah satu pembeli.
Tidak beda dengan Handi, Asyla dan Tedi pun memilih membeli BlackBerry di booth Indosat karena faktor harga yang miring. “Saya pilih Onyx, jauh harganya. Kemarin ke sini tapi sudah habis barangnya,” kata Tedi, calon pembeli yang lain. “Saya pilih Torch yang juga lebih murah,” ungkap Asyla menambahkan.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Smartphone Android Murah Untuk Anak Muda
Harga smartphone berbasis Android makin terjangkau dan dapat diperoleh dengan harga di bawah Rp 2 juta. Galaxy Mini, produk terbaru yang dikeluarkan Samsung, produsen ponsel asal Korea Selatan tersebut, misalnya, hanya dibanderol Rp 1,6 juta.
Meski murah, fiturnya tak kalah canggih. Bahkan, sistem operasi yang digunakan sudah Android 2.2 Froyo dan didukung prosesor berkecepatan 600 MHz. Smartphone mini dengan layar sentuh berukuran 3,14 inci ini menyediakan memori internal 160 MB, kamera 3 megapiksel, radio FM, bluetooth, GPS, konektivitas 3G yang sudah mendukung HSDPA, slot microSD berkapasitas hingga 32 GB, dan Wi-Fi.
Dalam penjualannya di Indonesia, samsung menggandeng Telkomsel dalam paket bundling. Paket smartphone Samsung seri S5570 itu dalam paket penjualannya dilengkapi perdana simPATI dengan harga tepatnya Rp 1.599.000. Telkomsel sendiri telah menyediakan layanan akses internet unlimited mulai seharga Rp 50.000 perbulan yang bisa digunakan untuk browsing, email, chatting, dan social networking.
"Harapan kami, paket Samsung Galaxy Mini Telkomsel membuat masyarakat lebih mengenal layanan berbasis Android. Dengan mengeksplorasi secara bertahap, dapat merasakan pengalaman menggunakan berbagai aplikasi menarik Android di smartphone ini," kata VP Channel Management Telkomsel Gideon Edie Purnomo.
Produk ini ditujukan bagi kalangan muda. Yoo-young Kim, Managing Director PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia, menyatakan, Samsung mulai melihat perkembangan smartphone dengan basis Android tidak hanya di kalangan profesional, melainkan juga bagi anak muda. Menurutnya, anak muda merupakan pasar yang sangat sesuai untuk Android karena mereka selalu memiliki semangat ingin memiliki pengalaman baru.
"Melalui Samsung Galaxy Mini dengan sistem operasi Android Froyo, anak muda dapat menikmati pengalaman menyenangkan dengan berbagai macam aplikasi dan social hub yang telah terintegrasi sehingga memungkinkan mereka memilih cara berhubungan dengan sahabat dan keluarga," papar Yoo-young Kim.
Samsung Galaxy Mini ini tersedia di 50 gerai ponsel berlogo Samsung di Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Batam, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makassar, Kendari, Palu, dan Manado.
Meski murah, fiturnya tak kalah canggih. Bahkan, sistem operasi yang digunakan sudah Android 2.2 Froyo dan didukung prosesor berkecepatan 600 MHz. Smartphone mini dengan layar sentuh berukuran 3,14 inci ini menyediakan memori internal 160 MB, kamera 3 megapiksel, radio FM, bluetooth, GPS, konektivitas 3G yang sudah mendukung HSDPA, slot microSD berkapasitas hingga 32 GB, dan Wi-Fi.
Dalam penjualannya di Indonesia, samsung menggandeng Telkomsel dalam paket bundling. Paket smartphone Samsung seri S5570 itu dalam paket penjualannya dilengkapi perdana simPATI dengan harga tepatnya Rp 1.599.000. Telkomsel sendiri telah menyediakan layanan akses internet unlimited mulai seharga Rp 50.000 perbulan yang bisa digunakan untuk browsing, email, chatting, dan social networking.
"Harapan kami, paket Samsung Galaxy Mini Telkomsel membuat masyarakat lebih mengenal layanan berbasis Android. Dengan mengeksplorasi secara bertahap, dapat merasakan pengalaman menggunakan berbagai aplikasi menarik Android di smartphone ini," kata VP Channel Management Telkomsel Gideon Edie Purnomo.
Produk ini ditujukan bagi kalangan muda. Yoo-young Kim, Managing Director PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia, menyatakan, Samsung mulai melihat perkembangan smartphone dengan basis Android tidak hanya di kalangan profesional, melainkan juga bagi anak muda. Menurutnya, anak muda merupakan pasar yang sangat sesuai untuk Android karena mereka selalu memiliki semangat ingin memiliki pengalaman baru.
"Melalui Samsung Galaxy Mini dengan sistem operasi Android Froyo, anak muda dapat menikmati pengalaman menyenangkan dengan berbagai macam aplikasi dan social hub yang telah terintegrasi sehingga memungkinkan mereka memilih cara berhubungan dengan sahabat dan keluarga," papar Yoo-young Kim.
Samsung Galaxy Mini ini tersedia di 50 gerai ponsel berlogo Samsung di Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Batam, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makassar, Kendari, Palu, dan Manado.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Gmail Is Hacked By Chinese Hacker
VIVAnews - Google once again could not circumvent the Chinese hacker attacks. After the tragedy of late 2009, when the hackers from Baidu,China had managed to break into Google's system and steal the codes which are important, now the service provider of electronic mail (e-mail) Gmail became targets.
Wall Street Journal (WSJ) today reported that the email accounts of senior officials from the U.S. and hundreds of other important figures are in danger.
The victims, including state and military officials, bureaucrats Asia, Chinese activists and journalists, according to Google's statement as written in the WSJ. The aim is to spread e-mail attack victim to certain addresses.
Suspicion is directed to the hackers who stay in Jinan, capital of Shandong Province, eastern China.
In Washington, the United States, agency investigators FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the U.S. State Department investigate this case. "We do not believe there is an official email account owned by U.S. government officials that is breached," said Caitlin Hayden of the U.S. National Security Council to the WSJ.
Jinan, which is located about 400 kilometers south of Beijing, is the headquarters of the bureaus of technical surveillance of the People's Liberation Army, one of the largest armies in the world.
Previously, Mila Parker, a security researcher in Washington, would have warned the threat of attack. Mila managed to save examples of emails that she was identified through routine observation and she called the attack "man-in-the-mailbox."
The method used by the sender: email accounts of victims and their contacts in it seized and used to convince other potential victims.
She then handed a fake document entitled "Draft US-China Joint Statement" that is spread through e-mail account in the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency and Gmail.
When the user tries to download the document, they will be herded into a fake Gmail homepage that will steal your password.
That incident will certainly further increase the pressure on cyberwar issues. The U.S. government this week will decide those cyber attacks are classified as "war".
Meanwhile, British Defence Secretary, Nick Harvey said, as quoted from the pages of The Guardian, "any activity in cyberspace will slowly form a kind of battlefield of the future."
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Wall Street Journal (WSJ) today reported that the email accounts of senior officials from the U.S. and hundreds of other important figures are in danger.
The victims, including state and military officials, bureaucrats Asia, Chinese activists and journalists, according to Google's statement as written in the WSJ. The aim is to spread e-mail attack victim to certain addresses.
Suspicion is directed to the hackers who stay in Jinan, capital of Shandong Province, eastern China.
In Washington, the United States, agency investigators FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the U.S. State Department investigate this case. "We do not believe there is an official email account owned by U.S. government officials that is breached," said Caitlin Hayden of the U.S. National Security Council to the WSJ.
Jinan, which is located about 400 kilometers south of Beijing, is the headquarters of the bureaus of technical surveillance of the People's Liberation Army, one of the largest armies in the world.
Previously, Mila Parker, a security researcher in Washington, would have warned the threat of attack. Mila managed to save examples of emails that she was identified through routine observation and she called the attack "man-in-the-mailbox."
The method used by the sender: email accounts of victims and their contacts in it seized and used to convince other potential victims.
She then handed a fake document entitled "Draft US-China Joint Statement" that is spread through e-mail account in the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency and Gmail.
When the user tries to download the document, they will be herded into a fake Gmail homepage that will steal your password.
That incident will certainly further increase the pressure on cyberwar issues. The U.S. government this week will decide those cyber attacks are classified as "war".
Meanwhile, British Defence Secretary, Nick Harvey said, as quoted from the pages of The Guardian, "any activity in cyberspace will slowly form a kind of battlefield of the future."
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
AMD Processor In Tablets
TAIPEI, KOMPAS.com - Until now, AMD has not developed a processor with a SoC (system on chip) such as those made by Intel, NVidia, and ARM for mobile computing devices. However, it does not mean, AMD will not be silent in the competitions of smartphones and tablets that are increasing.
In the event Computex 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan, which took place May 31 through June 4, 2011, from U.S. chip manufacturer that announced the presence of serial processors Z. This is the first processor that AMD is prepared to begin competing in the tablet market.
To enter the smartphone market may still not be too suitable. However, filling a niche in the market tablet, the processor is still acceptable. At least with a larger size and a larger battery, the device does not have to require the integration of a limited space such as smartphones.
Z series processor code-named Desna is already dual core and will publish with code Z-01. Basically, the Z series is the result of optimization processor series C-50 APU previously used for netbook-class product. GPU (graphical processing unit) that is used is the Radeon HD 6250.
The first product that will use this Z series processors is 110W from MSI Windpad tablet that works with operating system Windows 7. MSI 110W WindPad which sailed 10 inches will be released for 599 U.S. dollars.
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In the event Computex 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan, which took place May 31 through June 4, 2011, from U.S. chip manufacturer that announced the presence of serial processors Z. This is the first processor that AMD is prepared to begin competing in the tablet market.
To enter the smartphone market may still not be too suitable. However, filling a niche in the market tablet, the processor is still acceptable. At least with a larger size and a larger battery, the device does not have to require the integration of a limited space such as smartphones.
Z series processor code-named Desna is already dual core and will publish with code Z-01. Basically, the Z series is the result of optimization processor series C-50 APU previously used for netbook-class product. GPU (graphical processing unit) that is used is the Radeon HD 6250.
The first product that will use this Z series processors is 110W from MSI Windpad tablet that works with operating system Windows 7. MSI 110W WindPad which sailed 10 inches will be released for 599 U.S. dollars.
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